DC Stubai Zoo Spring Session

Spring Sessions April 7 – May 12 2019 At The DC Stubai Zoo

From April 7- May 12, 2019, DC Stubai Zoo will be open for their Spring Session. After the “Make Snowboarding Great Again!” debate in 2018, with the snowboard team winning, their park set up will be built and ready to ride with events taking place throughout the month. 

DC Stubai Zoo Spring Session

DC Stubai Zoo Spring Session

Spring Sessions April 7 – May 12 2019 at the DC Stubai Zoo

While in most ski resorts the winter season comes to an end in April, the DC Stubai Zoo is celebrating its awakening after the winter break with a full event calendar. On top you will be able to ride the new “The Debate” set-up, which guarantees a perfect spring shred.

From April 7 to May 12 the Zoo invites you to enjoy a completely new set-up back on the Gaisskarfener, designed by Ethan Morgan, Lorenzo Peeters and Benny Urban in cooperation with Schneestern. With the slogan “Make Snowboarding Great Again!” the three joined the Snowboarder party on “The Debate 2018” and won the vote against the Freeski Party via social media. With highlight features like the Extreme Waterfall, the Flatdown Butterpad and a big Transferland, there should be nothing left to be desired.


April 7 – DC Fight Club

Sebbe de Buck, Mons Roisland and friends conquer the snow park at the Gaisskarferner just in time for the opening of the Spring Sessions. DC Fight Club – that means two teams of 3 get into the ring and fight for big prizes – fun, action & party included. The best of all: You choose the challenges and you can apply for one spot per team. BBQ, good sound and lots of goodies for everyone complete the kick- off at the DC Stubai Zoo.

April 14 – Austria Freeski Days

Freeski Kids from 8-16 years watch out! The ÖSV offers the Austria Freeski Days again this year and helps you with the first steps in the snow park. Whether beginner or advanced – everyone interested can expect a free coaching incl. lunch. Pre- registration required at freeskiaustria.at

April 21 – Roxy Easter Hunt

Just in time for Easter, Roxy Snow calls for a digital egg hunt. Post your shots from the DC Stubai Zoo with the hashtag #roxyeasterhunt & #stubaizoo from April 8 – April 21. Roxy teamriders Kelly Sildaru and Katie Ormerod will pick the winners, who can win tons of Roxy goodies. In addition, there will be a get together on April 21st with BBQ & drinks in the Zoo.

April 27 – April 28 – Primezilla

The Prime Skiing Magazine Crew will be hosting Cash for Trick Sessions on April 27th & 28th, bringing loads of goodies to the Freeski people and ensuring the perfect spring shred on the new “The Debate” – obstacles. You can also look forward to more set-up surprises on this weekend.

May 5 – Snowboarder MbM Shooting Day

For all the Content Creators out there: The film- and photo crew of the well-known magazine is waiting for you at the Zoo and will keep track of your best tricks on the kicker and rail line.
The best shots will be featured on all their channels & DC Stubai Zoo Channels and of course provided for your own use.




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