
Nick Pumphrey, Photographer

Meet Nick Pumphrey, a photographer and surfer from St. Ives in Cornwall, England.  He is the first in a new series of ‘Photographer Profiles’ we are running here at SOURCE.  Nick provided our cover for issue #64, a surf shot of Crille Rask, Marketing Manager at Rhythm Europe taken in the Arctic Circle.
Nick lives in the French South West after growing up in the English South West, a tactical move to ensure his proximity to the ocean.

How long have your been taking boardsports photos for?

A long time is the short answer. Ever since I picked up a camera at 16 years old. Never for commercial reasons back then, just trying to capture moments of action as I saw them happening. These days my inspiration levels are up and down when it comes to shooting “board sports”. I’m lucky to have some great friends that rip on their chosen crafts. It is these people that I like to shoot.  Most of them are not professional level, just individuals loving what they do, and ripping at the same time.

What are you currently working on?

Nothing Specific at the moment. I’m back serving lovely customers tasty snacks and booze at ‘Le Surfing’ café in Estagnots, Signosse. It’s a busy joint that tends to affect my creativity. My cameras get pretty dusty in the summer! I have been day dreaming up some cool ideas though – got some funky plans for shooting ladies in underwater studios, that would be refreshing and fun I reckon! Maybe an exhibition or two. And slowly getting my little baby fizka.com rolling. We will see what opportunities arise come Autumn time…

What equipment do you use?

All digital. Canon 1d mk2 and a 5d mk 2, a selection of lenses and an SPL waterhousing for getting in amongst it aquatic style. Tempted to shoot some film again as you can acquire some epic set ups these days for not much at all.

Where do you live, and what do you find important about your surroundings?

I live at Plage des Estagnots in Seignosse.  I came here from Cornwall because the waves and weather are better. For me the prime importance is having the ocean near to me. It’s a choice of lifestyle, to be surfing as much as I can, hanging with like-minded creative people and generally keeping a smile on my face. I suppose it’s a bit of bubble here, but whatever, it’s a positive thing if the bad times ain’t outweighing the Good!

Please could you tell us about the shot we used of Crille for our front cover?

We were on a little film project for Rhythm and I was bobbing around in 6 degree waters when I snapped that one! You cant swim around for too long up there in Lofoton, Arctic Circle. My Patagonia 5/4 hooded beast kept me good and able to operate! It’s not a crazy action shot or anything like that, but for sure it’s a cool moment captured that pretty much summed up all our moods up there. Crille is loving it in this picture. Man that place is so beautiful. Mountain peaks dropping straight into frigid dark, yet crystal clear waters, outdoor hot tubs with mountain water heated up from a wood stove. Friendly, softly spoken wise locals, and sunset induced golden light that lasts for four hours.  A photographer’s dream! It’s a place to be seen, and a place I have to get back to one day.

Check out the film of the whole trip here

Where can we find your work online?


Anything else you’d like to let our readers know?

Stay Creative. Come to ‘Le Surfing’. Lurk. Laugh. Party. Rock!!


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