Nidecker Banked Slalom

The NDK Banked Slalom 2019

Nidecker invited Swiss shop stockists, owners and employees only, to take part in their first NDK Banked Slalom for the chance to win CHF 6000.- for first place, second took CHF 3000.- and third CHF 1000 in retail product. After their success this year with around 40 participants from around 18 shops taking part could this turn into an annual event? 

Press Release: Dear friends, dear customers, dear snowboarders

You are waiting for them impatiently … The video and the photos of this magnificent first edition of NDK Banked Slalom are finally available !!!

We would like to thank you all for your participation, your good mood and your amazing motivation !!! 🙂

The second edition will undoubtedly be even better!

We also wish to warmly thank all our partners without whom this event would not have been so successful!

We hope you have had a successful season and wish everyone a wonderful summer.

Your Nidecker Group Team




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