Newly elected board of the World Snowboard Federation

WSF Appoints Satu Järvelä President & Announces New Board Members

The recent 2018 WSF General Assembly was held in Oslo, Norway timed perfectly around the X Games and former ISF World Champion snowboarder and US Open Halfpipe Champ Satu Järvelä has been appointed the new World Snowboard Federation President. Järvelä previously sat on the board at TTR, runs sports management agencies, edits Rodeo snowboard magazine and currently serves as Vice President of ‘Finnish Sports Managers’.

Press Release: Following the finishing of the TTR board, the WSF is now ready to provide a new platform as the true global representative of snowboarding. The incoming elected board is comprised of elected officers as well as athlete and event representatives. The WSF members, whom this newly elected Board represents, are a mix of 31 nations, riders, independent events and even core snowboard brand members like Burton.

“The first item for the WSF members was to elect their new President for the next 4 years of business. The position is to be held by Satu Järvelä who comes into the role with a lifetime of experience and knowledge in the sport and all of its many facets. Satu’s experience include, being a former ISF World Champion snowboarder, a US Open Halfpipe Champion and a former Olympian representing Finland. In her post competition years she has run sports management agencies, edited core snowboarding magazines and is currently the Vice President of ‘Finnish Sports Managers’ as well as having been on the Board of Directors of the TTR for many years. She comes to the role with a wealth of knowledge and experience.

Newly elected board of the World Snowboard Federation

Newly elected board of the World Snowboard Federation

“I am proud and feel privileged to be voted to a position in order to steer and work collectively with the new Board, advisors, event and rider representatives. The Board all have a wide range of expertise and recognition in snowboarding. Working closely with riders, nations and events we hope to accomplish great things for the future of snowboarding.

The WSF has been primarily focused over the past 12 months on completing the merger process with the TTR and ensuring the assets including the WSPL remain credible and secure in order to continue servicing the sport. With this process complete now the focus is 100% on grass roots and development level snowboarding and aligning the organisation with our Vision and Mission statements. The WSF needs to now focus on our mission of leading the development and growth of snowboarding worldwide, founded on it unique values and culture based on our vision of Inspiring people to participate, follow and perform within snowboarding worldwide. Satu Järvelä. WSF President

The newly elected board and modernised bylaws are now in place to complete a network of World Rankings across all nations.  Aiming to give a true voice to the all aspects of competitive snowboarding and culture with a new direction to bring the voice to the younger athletes while instilling the history and passion that has always driven snowboarding.”

New board members: Satu Järvelä (FIN) President, Mike Mallon (USA) V. President, Dustin Heise (CAN) V. President, Dominic Kuhn (GER) V. President, Meinhard Trojer (AUT) V. President, Sacha Giger (SUI), Gian Luca Zanetti (ITA), Anna-Maria Strittmatter (NOR), Joakim Hammar (SWE), Rich Hegarty (AUS) Marc Bajona Carrera (events), Seppi Harml (events), Lukas Draxl (events), Shigeru “ISHI” Ishihara (Chief Advisor), Sven Thorgren (rider), Julia Marino (rider), Arielle Gold (Rider Chief Advisor).




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