Tom Wilson-North Nidecker

Tom Wilson-North Hired As Digital Transformation Manager At Nidecker Group

From running Zero 6 shop in France, to Senior Snowboard Writer at Boardsport SOURCE, Head of ISPO Award Snowsports Jury and Key Advisor at Protect Our Winters; Tom Wilson-North boasts an impressive career history. His experience and industry knowledege lead to him being hired as the new Digital Transformation Manager at the Nidecker Group.

Tom Wilson-North

Tom Wilson-North

Press Release:

Nidecker Group are pleased to announce the latest addition to the expanding operations team to support the Group’s continued growth. Tom Wilson-North joins in the brand-new role of Digital Transformation Manager and will work across the global portfolio of Nidecker Group brands and brand partners.

Tom ran legendary freeride snowboard shop Zero G in Chamonix, France since 2006 where he grew the shop’s snowboard business and implemented a successful multi-channel strategy. For the last decade he’s been Senior Snowboard Writer at Boardsport SOURCE, a key adviser to Protect Our Winters Europe and the head of the illustrious ISPO Award Snowsports Jury…while still snowboarding as much as he can.

As Digital Transformation Manager, his role will be to streamline customer experience which will allow the Group to better serve clients in areas of sales, digital, warranty and customer service.

Tom Wilson-North Boarding

“Having bought and sold literally thousands of Nidecker Group products over the years I have a clear understanding of the modern snowboard consumer, as well as ways to improve the shop, dealer & brand process. The context of the marketplace, both online and off, is changing faster than ever and I feel I will be able to really help this modern, planet-friendly business fine-tune their already successful brand experiences”, says Tom.

“We got to know Tom through his excellent work in the industry at Zero G. And it was during a dealer splitboard trip to Austria together that we realized we shared a common view of the continuing and developing inter-relations between shops, distributors and brands. Tom’s experience at the dealer level will help us continue to exceed consumer expectations, and his understanding of digital business will help us thrive and expand into the eras ahead”, commented Nidecker Group’s CSO Cedric Nidecker.

About Nidecker Group:

The Nidecker Group is the home of innovative and inspirational action sports brands: Nidecker, Yes, Jones, Now and Flow. We create, operate, and accelerate industry-leading brands internationally with one goal: to inspire and enable athletes to lead the progression of their sport.

Founded in 1887 in the Swiss Alps and one hundred percent family owned, every generation has been fuelled by a passion for innovation and action sports. We began our story as master craftsmen, making wooden wheels and tables before moving on to sleds and cross-country skis. In 1912 we started manufacturing alpine skis, then water skis, monoskis and finally snowboards in 1984. Today, we are the oldest action sports company in the world and have built highly successful brands, which have played an integral role in the evolution of every industry in which we’ve been involved for over five generations.




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